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Hope House History
Hope House of Tennessee was birthed out of Nashville YoungLives, a mentoring ministry of Young Life specifically tailored to teen moms and their children. In 2018, after nearly a decade of walking with teen moms through pregnancy and child rearing in our city, a group of supporters and staff from Nashville YoungLives felt a call to start a teen mom home. With lots of prayers, closed doors, and eventually opened doors, the Hope House of Tennessee was established in 2019, as Tennessee’s ONLY home for teen moms and their children.

Who is this home for?
Our innovative two-year residential program caters specifically to young mothers aged 16 to 22 seeking stable housing and ready to engage in a transformative journey. Referrals can come through our local YoungLives ministry or any trusted organization with a personal connection to the mother and child. While we hold every mother in high regard, our program prioritizes those actively parenting for consideration.

What is included in the program?
Our comprehensive program features personalized growth plans, parenting and financial literacy classes, dedicated case worker support, professional counseling, and spiritual discipleship.

Moms will work towards completing high school, obtaining a driver's license and employment, pursuing higher education, and achieving economic independence.

We are dedicated to transforming not only the lives of teen moms but also future generations.

What does the research say?

  • 30% of all teenage females get pregnant at least once

  • Tennessee has the 7th highest rate of teen moms in the US

  • Only 50% of teen moms graduate from high school, and less than 2% earn a college degree

  • A single mother must work over 145 hours per week at minimum wage to meet basic needs without public assistance

At Hope House, we see beyond the statistics to the real people they represent—our moms. Their futures are not dictated by numbers; they are individuals with limitless potential. Time and again, we've witnessed teenage mothers defy the odds, and with the unwavering support of Hope House, we anticipate witnessing even more triumphs.

The Hope House Difference - Early Intervention
Despite Nashville's abundance of over 1,000 non-profits, few are dedicated to aiding teenage mothers and their children. However, programs exist for women transitioning from incarceration, escaping sex trafficking, or battling addiction—challenges often faced by teen moms.

Empowering teenage mothers with proactive support, education, mentorship, and counseling early on can break cycles of hardship and create brighter futures for both them and their children.

We must start where it begins. Not where it ends.